We present to you the Astrophotographer’s Year Planner for 2024. This planner has an extensive listing of all astronomical events throughout the year. Get to know and plan your astrophotos well in advance, and not after the media frenzy starts. Be prepared well in advance with equipment, location & plan appropriate for all astronomical events.
All kinds of astrophotography events, viz. landscape, deepsky, planetary, conjunctions, occultations are calculated and listed. The Astrophotographer’s calendar is being published for many years now, and is a valuable yearlong companion. Emphasis is towards events occurring in the night sky over India.
There are a few additions to the calendar this year. Each date has the phase of the Moon depicted. The phase and liberation is correct for 0 hour I.S.T. of the date. This year’s calendar also features two pages which can be separated from the calendar and used as individual posters. One poster features the phases of the Moon for the entire year. It contains a wealth of information on conjunctions, occultations, ‘Black Moon’ etc. The second poster features ‘Planets in 2024’. The poster shows the elongation and brightness magnitude of all planets in a graphical form throughout the year. This poster too can be removed from the calendar and used separately.
We have been travelling to see solar and lunar eclipses since the year 1995. Eclipses have taken us to places that we would never think of visiting in normal circumstances. Barkakana in Jharkhand, Side in Turkey, Redfish Lake in Idaho, the Radio Telescope at Ooty, the meadow at Benital in Uttarakhand and many more. Eclipses are a family affair for us, we all travel together for all eclipses.
This year’s calendar focuses on eclipses, both lunar and solar. Lots of eclipse trivia is mentioned in each of the monthly pages.
2024 Year Planner Cost – ₹750 (GST & Postage paid) Please see this link for entering your address and payment details – https://forms.gle/pjazZjdjeXCY3Wd59
Neelam & Ajay Talwar