Binocular Parallelogram Mount

Binocular Parallelogram Mount


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Aperture Telescopes present you with the Binocular Mount. The sturdiest and the smoothest binocular mount you’ll ever find for this price.

Most newcomers in Sky Observation or Astronomy Clubs in schools want to begin with a telescope and often overlook the mighty binoculars. Compared to a telescope, binoculars have many distinct advantages. The first and the biggest is that of a wide field of view making celestial objects easier to find. They may give lower magnification, but they’re lighter, much easier to take outside, use, and put away, and less expensive. Binoculars let you use both eyes, providing better, more natural 3D views. Moreover, in binoculars everything is right-side up and presented correctly, not upside down or mirror-reversed. Seasoned astronomers will tell you to learn the sky with binoculars and then look for a good telescope. Experienced observers keep them close at hand in spite of owning large telescopes.

The instrument plays only half the part, the other half is the mount. You can buy the best and most expensive telescope and it will be almost useless without a solid mount and smooth movements. The importance of the mount can’t be overstated. A poorly designed or built mount can make astronomy frustrating.

The Binocular Mount handles upto 100mm binoculars easily, a 10 kg counterweight is included in price. They say a 7×50 can be handheld. We say mounting a 7×50 binocular on our mount will increase the resolution, and you will be able to discern fainter objects. For example, Io, the satellite of Jupiter can be seen much clearly with a small but mounted binocular but not with a handheld one.

The Binocular mount’s balanced and smooth motion provide for relaxing viewing for hours on end with binoculars as large as 100mm in aperture. It eliminates arm strain and shakiness, and allows you to aim your binocular high overhead, even to the zenith, while you stand or sit comfortably underneath.

The Binocular Mount has 4 different movements so that the binocular moves around you. You do not contort your body to see through the eyepiece. Comfortable viewing position even when watching at the zenith prolongs your viewing pleasure and is very useful when showing to a large number of observers.

All types of Binoculars can be fitted on the Binocular Mount, ‘L’ brackets are supplied and are included in the price.

The height of the binocular eyepiece can be adjusted from 3.5 feet to 7.5 feet, keeping the same object in the field of view. Ideal when showing sky objects to large group of people. A sturdy wooden surveyor’s tripod is included in the price. Wooden tripods and wooden mount is better at reducing vibrations. The binocular mount is constructed of the best marine plywood available, sealed and 4 layers of weather proof automotive PU spray, stainless steel and teflon.


Download Specifications Sheet
Binocular Parallelogram Mount

Mount Design Parallelogram mount on a Surveyor’s tripod, with smooth motion in 4 axes.
Viewing Angle You can look towards the zenith with bending your knees, even the tallest person. You can look towards the horizon without any step or ladder requirement, even for children.
Unique Feature You can adjust the height of the parallelogram mount, and the celestial object will still be in the field of view.
Stabality of Mount Vibration free, no locking required, smooth balanced motion, just push the mount in any direction, and stop.
Folded Mount Dim. 36″ x 12″ x 7″
Folded Tripod Dim. 42″ x 6″ x 6″
Min/Max height of Binoculars 42″ (3.5 feet)
Maximum height of Binoculars 84″ (7 feet)
Mount Weight 10 Kg
Materials used Premium marine ply, stainless steel hardware
Mount Finish Natural veneer, sealed and sprayed with 4 layers of tough automotive PU finish
Tripod Weight 10 Kg
Tripod Height 40″ – 60″, adjustable
Motion Smooth motion in 4 axes, due to the 12 large teflon washers inserted between moving parts.
Maximum Weight Handling 5 Kg binocular, viz. 25X100
Counterweight provided 10 kg
Binocular Attachment provided L’ Steel Bracket for small binoculars
Wooden knob and spacer for large binoculars
Accessories Included Anti Vibration Pads,
Binocular Attachment (steel),
Surveyor’s tripod,
carry bag,
tripod spreader for rigidity
Spanners 2 pairs for locking nuts
Optional Accessories Carry bag for mount





What’s in the Box Parallelogram Mount,
Surveyor’s tripod, carry bag for tripod,
Tripod spreader for rigidity,
Anti Vibration Pads,
Binocular Attachment (steel) – 2 nos, for all kinds of binoculars
Spanners 2 pairs for locking nuts



Optional Accessories Carry bag for mount

1 review for Binocular Parallelogram Mount

Kartikey Gupta

Absolutely amazing mount
Before this we couldn’t really UTILIZE the power of binos unless we had gyroscopically stable hands- which no human has.
I don’t know whether this design is patented or not- but it’s seamless in use once properly assembled. Imagine you have a large group of viewers at an astroparty – from little children to the great khali- and you can adjust it WITHOUT losing sight of your target manually- while being absolutely comfortable to all-even if the target is a far away tree , or the ridiculous 85° altitude nebula, no issues in using it. Best tool along with a bino to actually learn the night sky. Using it extensively for young kids from disadvantaged backgrounds at our Vatsalya Campus near Jaipur. It’s simply an enabler.

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