Latest Past Events

Planet Parade 2025

Aperture Telescopes' Facility Aperture Telescopes, 75, Sector 1, Manesar, Gurgaon

Whatsapp University is abuzz with the clickbait 'Planetary Alignment of 2025'. Would you like to see all the planets in great detail at the event organised by Aperture Telescopes?


Urbania Deep Sky Imaging

Aperture Telescopes' Facility Aperture Telescopes, 75, Sector 1, Manesar, Gurgaon

A common cliché among astrophotographers and its quite accurate cliché – You cannot photograph anything from overly light polluted cities.
Here is one person who is making this statement a misconception, meet Sameer Dhar.


Planetary Imaging Master Workshop – Day 2

Aperture Telescopes' Facility Aperture Telescopes, 75, Sector 1, Manesar, Gurgaon

The results of the "Aperture" Indian Astrophotographer of the Year contest were announced recently. Aperture Telescopes is quite happy to be the Title Sponsor of this prestigious annual astrophotography contest in India.
