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- What do we do?
- Workshop Booking
- "Aperture" Indian Astrophotographer of the Year 2023
- Go fast, or go home! - Part I
- Astrophotographer’s Year Planner for 2024
- Star Gazing at Abbott Mount
- 12-inch Aperture Telescope installed at Sitara Himalaya
- An Aperture Telescopes' Mirror for IIT Delhi
- Aperture Telescopes' Mirror Making Workshop on Stellafane
- Stories From the Night of the Planet Parade at Aperture Telescopes' Astro-Facility.
- Surya - The Telescope Maker
- 20-inch Aperture Telescope for Meena Bagh, Ratnari
- The Case for Telescope Mirrors made from Float Glass
- Optics Shop at Aperture Telescopes
- Vipul's 12-inch Retrofitted, Closed Tube to Truss Tube
- 16-inch Aperture Telescope at the Sanskrit Sansthans
- Gurmeher, Gaurav and their new 12-inch Aperture Telescope
- Imaging Planets with the 20-inch Aperture Telescope
- 7y Old Karmanya & His 10-inch Aperture Telescope
- 'TARA' - The Observatory at The Homestead
- Komal Bhardwaj's Binocular Mount
- 10-inch (250mm, 25 mm FLOAT GLASS) F/4.7
- 12-inch (300mm, 25 mm FLOAT GLASS) F/5
- 20-inch (500mm, 25 mm FLOAT GLASS) F/4.5
- 16-inch (400mm, 25 mm FLOAT GLASS) F/4.5
- 8-inch (200 mm, 25 mm float glass) f/3.3
- 8-inch (200 mm, 25 mm float glass) f/5
- Private Astrophotography Workshops
- Stars & Pixels
- Sky Photo Trip
- 8-inch Aperture Telescope
- Observing Chair
- Binocular Parallelogram Mount
- 10-inch Aperture Telescope
- 12-inch Aperture Telescope
- 16-inch Aperture Telescope
- 20-inch Aperture Telescope